Sunday, January 4, 2015

A New Year, A New Me

While not posted on the first of the year like it probably should have fun, at least it is still the first few days of the new year. I really want to put my thoughts down on what I hope to accomplish this year.

 I don't want to call my thoughts resolutions, because I view resolutions just as I view rules; meant to be broken. Instead, I will label my thoughts as goals, because with goals, you are always trying to accomplish them and pushing yourself further to do so. 

With that in mind, these are my goals for 2015:

1. Not feel like I have inadequate photography skills. This might sound harsh, but I truly feel like an idiot when I pick up my nice DSLR camera and try and take photos. I just do not know what I am doing, and I hate using the easy ready-to-go dial options that will allow me to put out decent photos. I don't want to take just decent photos; I want to have photos that I wouldn't be afraid to put my name behind.

2. Feel comfortable in my own skin. I won't bother with saying I hope to lose weight. Everyone says that year after year. Whether I lose 20 pounds or gain 20 pounds though, I do hope to learn to feel comfortable with whatever shape I have. I will never be a size 0, and I know that and can accept that fact. What I do find hard to accept is where I currently stand. I want to be able to look in the mirror and think that I look good 93% of the time though (we all have bad days still).

3. Feel comfortable with not going with the status quo. I am currently a freshman in college, and everyone goes out to drink. Yes, even those not over 21 do so (shocking I know). When everyone is out and I am left in the dorms, I feel as if I made a mistake by not going with them. I know I am not into going to frat parties and drinking, but I still second guess myself on those lonely nights when it's just me and the tv. I want to feel 100% confident in any decision I make, whether it pertains to going out or another scenario.

4. Not worry about what others think of my appearance. I think too much into what other people will think of my outfit choice or makeup choice of the day. Especially when they say aloud their opinion of my choice, it hurts even more. I want to stop caring. I want to be able to put on an outfit and not think of the reaction it will get. If I enjoy it, what does it matter what anyone else thinks. 

5. Get into smoothie making. This might sound petty coming after my first few goals, but I recently received a personal blender for Christmas and hope to make the best of using it. Maybe even turning it into a few blog posts. I don't plan on bringing my blender with me to the dorm, so this will be put on the back burner until summer. If I become good enough and enjoy it enough, I might bring it with me to school next year though.

6. Master the winged liner, and liner in general. I am so afraid of eyeliner. I own a few liners, but rarely ever touch them. It is such a difference from what I normally wear, but I want to get over my fear. Don't even get me started on the winged liner... The fear is overwhelming.

7. Find closer friends. I just finished my first semester of college in a new state. While I have made friends, none of those friendships are lasting or close yet, and I hope to change that. Even if I only find one close friendship, I will treasure it. I want a friendship where I don't feel weird texting them. It is really hard for me to meet new people, and it takes me forever to make lasting friendships. I would guess it probably took me close to four years before I made the lasting friendships I did in high school/middle school, since I went to a K-12 school.

I like the number 7, so I will leave it at 7 goals for 2015. I really hope to accomplish these, especially number 1 and 7. I hope everyone who ever sees this has a great year and accomplishes everything they hope to. Don't give up, keep persevering and striving towards your goals.

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